He governed as a moderate

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He governed as a moderate,surrendering seven runs,ray ban outlet, signed AB32 and spent more times bashing his Republican friends in the Legislature than he did leading them. He was pro-gay marriage,,cheap uggs, yet despite several chances to sign legislation legalizing it -- never did. His time as governor was the worst ever for this state and further destroyed his party. His moderate governance attracted no one to the party but encouraged many to leave it. In 2010,fake uggs,Nigel Clough himself, the GOP nominated moderate Meg Whitman she of same the stripe as Arnie: No political experience that could self-fund a run. Brown dispatched her easily despite the fact that she was a social moderate. Now in 2014,carry pepper spray,http://www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html, the same dynamics were at play. Two unqualified GOP candidates for governor,http://www.iss4thgrade.org/cheapmichaelkors.html,Hua said., one a no-name conservative,www.aimer-resister.net/uggs.html, and the other a self-funded moderate political rookie. The ideology of either man is irrelevant to this first question of any candidate: What makes them qualified to be governor to start with? If they are qualified,http://www.siresays.com/cheaprayban.html, then the ideology can be considered. But the GOP has been offering subpar gubernatorial candidates regardless of ideology since at least 1998. And the one who did win without ever surviving the vetting process of a party primary was an unmitigated disaster for everyone. So while many see Kashkari's nomination as a new message from the party,www.smalldetails.net/toms.html, it's not. It's the same message we've been getting since 2003.

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